Kennedy Space Centre, Cape Canaveral

Travel distance/time from Florida Delight (74.5 miles: 1 hour 19 minutes)

Kennedy Space Centre at Cape Canaveral on the Atlantic Coast is a fun, educational, entertaining awe-inspiring day for all ages.

Visit NASA's launch complex, the astronaut hall of fame or if you are really lucky and there at the right time, even a rocket launch!

You can learn first-hand about the first space mission, look around the launch sites and see the shuttle and Apollo rockets up close. Enjoy the new IMAX 3D shows, simulators and various tours. One tour includes a chef prepared buffet lunch in the company of an astronaut from whom you will hear stories about what life in space is really like, from someone who has actually been there and experienced it.

We had a day at the Space Centre when we were staying at our villa in November with 5 friends, all adults. It took just over an hour by car and it was a pleasant journey, quiet motorway all the way and no hold ups. It was the first time we had visited this attraction in about 12 years and what an amazing difference! All of us were completely enthralled and the quality of the exhibits and attractions was outstanding. It was one of the highlights of our two week holiday for us all and I would very much recommend a visit.  

As Kennedy Space Centre is on the cape at Cape Canaveral which is a nature reserve there is even the chance to spot some wildlife such as dolphins and gators. 

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