Sunset Walk, Margaritaville
Travel distance/time from Florida Delight (12.8 miles: 25 minutes)
You can access Sunset Walk from the 192 if you put this address into sat nav: Promenade at Sunset Walk, Kissimmee, 3251 Margaritaville Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34747.
However, if you are going from the villa we would recommend you access the area from the following address as it will be quieter for traffic: Margaritaville Resort, 8000 Fins Up Cir, Kissimmee, FL 34747. There is a manned barrier as you are entering to the actual resort itself but if you tell the guard that you are going to the restaurants he will let you in and direct you to where to park.
Our only disappointment with Sunset Walk at Margaritaville was that we only found out about it a couple of days before the end of our holiday this year and so only had the time to visit once. Had we become aware of it sooner we would most certainly have tried different restaurants there during our stay as we loved it. It is only a couple of years old and having not been able to visit Orlando for two years because of Covid we were shocked to discover a whole new area to enjoy. It will definitely be a place we will visit many times and take friends and family to in future visits.
It was built up around the new water park there called Island H20 which opened on 21st June, 2019.
Here is a video that shows some of the restaurants available at Sunset Walk although this was filmed in 2019 and so there may be some additions since then.
The area also attracted some great dining options which are not your usual chains that you get throughout Orlando. The place that we chose to dine in was Ford’s Garage. We went at about 19.45 on a Wednesday evening and only had 10 minutes to wait for a table for 2. I asked the waitress if it is always so fast to get a table and she said it depends on what time you get there and if we had gone an hour or so earlier it would have been about a 45 minute wait. This seems to be the case in a lot of places and our experience is if you can wait to eat until a little bit later the wait time is much less. The busiest time to eat seems to be around 5-7 pm.
In terms of the meal at Ford’s Garage we really enjoyed it. I had a burger and Richard had Mac n Cheese and both dishes were extremely good and the price was reasonable. The venue was very nice and a fun place with a good atmosphere.
There are a number of other restaurants, a café and an ice cream bar which all looked good and we will try some of them on future visits. There was live music in the main thoroughfare which was good to sit and listen to as well as some of the bars/restaurants having live music. All in all it was a great place to enjoy and evening and we would recommend highly. They also hold a number of events at Sunset Walk which look to be good fun.
An additional bonus is the fact that it is only about 25 minutes drive from the villa and along the nice quiet back roads which are new and high quality.!